Starlight Virtual Machines Terms of Service

Останнє оновлення: 11 вересня 2024 р.

Starlight Virtual Machines

Starlight Virtual Machines (SVM) offer a scalable virtual machine hosting solution.  These terms are in addition to the Universal Terms of Service.  As a hosting product, these SVM Terms also supplement all relevant terms under Spaceship’s Hosting Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. 

Spaceship reserves the right to change these SVM Terms at any time.  Changes to these Terms will be reflected on our website and go into effect immediately.  Where necessary, as determined in Spaceship’s sole discretion, Spaceship may provide you with notice of a change using a method of our choice, including email and/or notice in your account panel.

SVM Subscriptions.

SVM subscriptions are hosting products where you pay-as-you-go, meaning that you are able to use the service(s) and pay after use.  SVM plans are priced by configuration and charged by the hour as outlined in the Pricing section below.  Current product prices may be found here [hyperlink].  

You may subscribe to one or more SVM plans.  However, given the nature of these products, Spaceship reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to place restrictions on your account.  This includes but is not limited to, limiting the number of products that you may purchase at one time, limiting the number of products and/or configurations you may have at the same time, and/or prohibiting the purchase of new products.  Limitations set on accounts may be determined for any reason, including business needs. 

SVM Subscription Consolidation by Account.

All subscriptions of SVM products are consolidated as one overall subscription of SVM and billed as a total amount in one monthly invoice for the services used in the prior month.

You are responsible for paying in full the total amount due each month for services used.  You are further responsible for knowing your Billing Date, the SVM products you have active and ensuring a payment method is in place to pay for services that you have used.  You understand and agree that failure to pay the invoiced amount due (in whole or in part) is considered nonpayment for all SVM services.  As such, all SVM services for your account will change in status from Active to Grace and may result in the cancellation of all SVM plans in your account and closing of your account.  

Billing Date.  

Billing Date, for invoicing, is set at the account level.  This means that you will have one Billing Date for all SVM products you have subscribed to.

Your Billing Date will be the day of the month that you first purchased a SVM product.  For example, if you purchase your first subscription on March 5th, your Billing Date will be the 5th of the month and you will receive your first invoice for services used on April 5th.

All additional purchases of SVM products by you in this account will have the same Billing Date.  Therefore, if you make an additional purchase of SVM on March 20th, the Billing Date for that additional product will also be on the 5th of the month.  The first bill is on April 5th and, as to this particular subscription, will include your usage from March 20th to April 5th.

Pricing + Amount Due.  

SVM usage is charged by the hour and varies by subscription product.  Subscription products, and the related pricing, are based on configuration and use of resources. 

Failure to Pay + Grace Status.  

If you fail to pay the full amount due on your Billing Date, all SVM services will move to Grace status on the next day.  Grace status lasts for up to ten (10) days and operates as outlined below.

Day 1-3:  If the account is not paid in full, the existing SVM services will remain Active but have limited functionality and you will not be able to purchase new SVM products or resize (upgrade/downgrade resources) for existing products. 

Day 4-10: On day 4, SVM account activity is blocked, all the SVM services are suspended and SVMs are powered off.  If payment is received during this time, SVM services may be restored.  However, all SVMs will be powered off and you will need to power them on manually.  You will not be charged for SVM services that are in suspension status.

Day 10: If the account is still unpaid, all the data related to the SVM products will be destroyed and cannot be reinstated.  

In addition, as you will have an outstanding balance due, normal terms apply which includes that your Spaceship account will be locked from further use.  You will be prohibited from further purchases of any kind until the balance due is paid and, if paid, you may still be prohibited from the ability to subscribe to SVM products in the future.

Communication During Grace Status.  You are solely responsible for timely payment of services used.  Should your SVM services move into Grace status, you are solely responsible for tracking the number of days that your payment is delinquent and the related actions.  Spaceship may, as a courtesy but not as an obligation, inform you about SVM service changes during Grace status.  

Suspension of Services.

Spaceship reserves the right to suspend services for any reason, in its sole discretion.  Where Spaceship believes that the use of SVM services are being used for illegal purposes and/or in violation of any of Spaceships terms or AUPs, we reserve the right to suspend (ie. power off) any or all of your SVM services and/or your entire account.  

In addition, if Spaceship determines that your use of SVM services is abusing resources, we reserve the right to suspend the abusive SVM product until the issue is resolved.  Further, where there is a history of resource abuse, we may suspend all SVM products.  

If your SVM services have been suspended, you must contact the Spaceship support team to resolve the issue within seven (7) days from the suspension.  While services are suspended, you will be billed and responsible for payment for use of services prior to suspension. However, you will not be billed for the related SVM services during the suspension period.  Nonpayment for services used may result in your account being placed into Grace status and related timeline and restrictions that we apply to unpaid accounts.  

If the issue is resolved to Spaceship’s satisfaction, we will mark your SVM services as restored and billing will begin again immediately.  You will then need to manually power on each of your SVM services.  If the issue is not resolved and/or you fail to contact us within 7 days, we reserve the right to destroy the affected services.