
Spaceship will always be a work in progress. Our mission to create a new digital frontier for domain and web products will never stop evolving along with the needs of our customers. That’s why it’s so important that your feedback leads us every step of the way.

More than just a domain name registrar, Spaceship is a platform that makes it easy to connect innovative features and products to your domain, simplifying the process of growing your digital presence. And it’s not just customer-focused — it’s customer-driven, ultimately shaped by your wants and needs. What’s the point in creating something that Spaceship customers like you don’t want?

But what does this collaboration look like in action, and how does the platform develop with customer input in mind?

這就是 Spaceship 路線圖 的作用。

規劃 Spaceship 的未來

Spaceship 路線圖是我們分享改進平台的工作進展的地方,包括已經發布的功能、目前正在開發的功能以及將來會創建的功能。通過在頂部切換即將推出和已發布的部分來導航頁面。您可以按類別篩選它們,以更具體地了解平台每個領域的情況。





One of the key ways to engage is to vote for what you would like to see developed next. When you visit the Spaceship Roadmap page, you’ll find the list of Upcoming features and products the team is working to create. Take a closer look and you’ll see each one has a button on the right-hand side featuring a thumbs-up icon and the word "Add vote". 

You can also see how many votes each one has garnered so far. Simply click "Add vote" next to the products that appeal to you and have your say.

This voting system influences Spaceship’s internal working structure to prioritize the products our customers want to see next. Everyone from our tech teams to designers, developers, and managers aligns to give the people what they want. For example, user votes are responsible for our focus on rolling out the Shared Hosting Autobackup function, as it was one of the most voted-for features in the Roadmap.

And we haven’t even discussed the most exciting part of the Roadmap yet: requesting features you want to see.


With Spaceship Roadmap, not only can you vote on upcoming features to prioritize, but you also can suggest some we might have yet to think of. This is a critical way to make our customers an integral part of building the Spaceship platform. We want your voice to be heard and to influence us. We want to democratize innovation. 

So, if there’s a tool you need to build your online brand or something you believe is an unmissable technology trend, we want to make it for you. If enough people ask for it, we’ll add it to the planned release section where others can vote to make it a development priority. Requesting a feature is simple to do. 

On the top-right-hand side of the Roadmap page, you’ll see a blue button with the words "Request new feature". 

Select it, and you’ll be brought to a simple form where you can describe the proposed feature. 

You don’t even need to be a Spaceship customer to do it.


The Spaceship Roadmap isn’t just a pipe dream or something we’ll return to later. It’s already central to how the Spaceship team operates and develops the platform. We’ve already rolled out innovative features based on customer feedback. 

From June to September 2023, we posted 56 features to the Spaceship Roadmap. 37 features have already been released, while 21 are coming soon.

讓我們更深入地了解 Spaceship 根據客戶指導發布的一些功能。我們將它們分為域名提供商功能和一般平台相關功能。


這些是使域名擁有者生活更輕鬆的域名平台功能。無論您擁有 2 個還是 200 個域名,這些創新都將簡化管理過程。

  • 批量轉移:允許用戶從 CSV 文件中批量轉移域名。
  • 掩碼和 301 URL 重定向:享受靈活的重定向,將流量轉移到您選擇的任何目的地。
  • 名稱伺服器預設:選擇適合您需求的預設。
  • 域名組合升級:通過電子郵件和 URL 轉發設置以及名稱伺服器更新在一個地方簡化批量域名管理。
  • DNS 記錄預設:通過預設記錄簡化 DNS 記錄管理——無需手動配置。



  • 自動備份 – 共享託管:使用此易於激活的工具確保您的網站數據始終備份。
  • 標記為垃圾郵件/非垃圾郵件的 Spacemail:通過教我們的反垃圾郵件系統 Jellyfish 精確地了解您希望和不希望在收件箱中看到的內容來掌控。
  • 額外的 Spacemail 郵箱:根據需要創建任意多的郵箱。
  • Spacemail 的 IMAP/SMTP 功能:您現在可以輕鬆地將 Spacemail 連接到您喜愛的第三方電子郵件客戶端。
  • Apple Pay:Apple 用戶可以使用他們選擇的設備輕鬆付款。

這只是 Spaceship 到目前為止實施的功能的一個快照。我們很高興能與我們的客戶一起繼續開發和改進。

開始塑造 Spaceship 的未來

Spaceship 是我們與您一起為您構建的平台。我們希望成為不僅僅是購買域名的最佳場所,在您的幫助下,我們將做到這一點。通過前往我們的 路線圖,對即將推出的功能進行投票,並提出新建議來發表您的意見。無論您是需要擴展您的網絡存在還是讓您的公司上網,在您的指導下,Spaceship 將成為簡化和連接人們數字世界的首選。



需要超過 10 個字符。

